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Tag: Jim Szabo

Countdown: Where To Go & What To Hear In NEO July 25 – Aug. 1

Friendly experiencers,

Has it really been this long? A few weeks ago, I announced a sort of summer vacation for let’s call this and the Thursday Countdown while we dealt with renovating and moving into a house and dealing with some family health issues. Those haven’t gone away, but the urgency around them has momentarily eased a bit, making room for . . . well, this. With the move postponed until the end of August, I could sneak in this preview of some notable events, two of which are at my favorite price point and yours: free. See you out there.

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What I’ll Do On My Summer Vacation

The solstice may be days away, but with temperatures in the 90s this week, no one in northeast Ohio can deny the early arrival of summer. Man, it’s hard to get anything done when it’s this hot, but that’s not why today’s usual feature post is taking a break. Bigger things are happening in let’s call this land. We’re moving.

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Countdown: Where To Go & What To Hear In NEO June 6-13

photocredit: Thom Kerr

Friendly experiencers,

Forget the headline of this post. The question this week is how to decide where to go & what to hear Friday night. Between an A-list Jamey Haddad quartet hit, a night of Roma jazz in beautiful CVNP and a powerhouse band led by saxophonist John Petrucelli, that’s a tall order. And that’s only if you won’t be at The Treelawn for Fred Hersch (see you there?). Still, this is a good problem to have and there is no wrong answer to this question. Whichever you choose, let me know what you heard and how you liked it. I’ll open the comments to this post, but please keep it clean and respectful.

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Countdown: Where To Go & What To Hear In NEO May 30 – June 5

Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright

Friendly experiencers,

If you want a wellness check of the local improvised music scene, start with checking the vitals. Return appearance by a touring artist: Check. Exciting new project from ace local players: Check. Free concert: Check and bonus points for the beloved Cleveland artists on the marquee. So things are looking good as northeast Ohio heads into summer and a stacked June calendar is just getting started.

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Countdown: Where To Go & What To Hear In NEO May 23 – 29

Nehemiah Stix Baker
Nehemiah “Stix” Baker

Friendly experiencers,

If this week’s scorching temperatures didn’t already announce the fact, summer is here. Memorial Day weekend is your signal to break out the camp chairs, throw out last year’s swimwear and enjoy the increasingly less short, but always sweet summer vibe. This weekend, it’s more affordable than ever with the must-see three events spotlighted below all available to you for $20 or less. Those of us who grew up enduring Great Lakes winters have a hard time finding an excuse to be indoors once the temperatures rise. This column is here to supply you with three of the best the weekend has to offer. See you out there.

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